White Cotton Cover for Ham 20cm (9 Kg)
These 20 cm ham or shoulder covers are sold in packs of 9 kg. They are made of 100% cotton and are used to avoid stains and give the pieces more attractiveness.
We have a range already created, which are used depending on the type of product, with the aim of identifying its quality and making it easily recognizable to the consumer. So, we remind you of the colors:
- The black one indicates that the piece corresponds to a 100% Iberian pig fed with acorn.
- Red is the indication that it is an Iberian pig crossed with the Duroc breed but fed with acorn.
- White corresponds to products made with fattening animals, fed with feed in farms with reduced mobility.
In any case, the colors of the covers are significant. What is mandatory by law based on Royal Decree 4/2014 and European regulations, is the label that shows the product category and the percentage of Iberian ham in a ham.